Birmingham to LED by example

Birmingham will install over 41,000 LED street light fittings as part of the City Council's £2.7 billion private finance initiative with Amey who will maintain the road network for the next 25 years;, Birmingham lights streets with low energy LED,

There are over 95,000 street lights, mainly high pressure sodium, mercury vapour and low pressure sodium and over the first five years of Amey's contract 50% of the streetlights will involve complete replacement of posts, luminaires and lanterns. LEDs will be installed in all upgraded residential areas and traffic routes will also be replaced with upgraded lights including SON lighting and dimmable electronic controls which will subsequently be upgraded to LEDs. All tunnel lighting will be converted to LED fixtures.

In addition to improved lighting levels, by 2016, energy consumption will be reduced by more than 30%. Dimming of the LED fixtures could reduce streetlight electricity consumption in Birmingham by as much as 40%.


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