Take me high(er)

Cliff Richard's 1973 musical Take Me High saw the pop star playing a character relocated to Birmingham and showcasing the city with scenes set in Richard Seifert's Alpha Tower.

This post is a nod to the title and the featuring of Birmingham's Alpha Tower.  

High rise is sometimes regarded as vanity and a competition between cities staking a claim to the tallest tower in the UK or more realistically the tallest outside London.

New Civil Engineer's 30 June 2011 edition included an article titled Get the lowdown on high rise risk in which Rider Levett Bucknall partner Ian Sandland looked at the challenges building high, https://www.newcivilengineer.com/latest/get-the-lowdown-on-high-rise-risk/8616841.article.

High towers offer great views of their surrounds and Birmingham's high rise offers a series of different views of the city.  Traditionally unseen or unloved by those working or living with such views today these views are desirable and a rooftop restaurant or bar is a must have addition to any high rise development.  The new Park Regis hotel took the former Auchinleck office block and opened up city views from a rooftop restaurant, now to be a conference space offering 360 degree views.  The Cube was a new build that put a hotel and restaurant at the top of it's tetris design structure to offer views.

The following is a set of photos taken from various high points, including a passing view while flying into Birmingham airport, with kind permission of various people as well as views chanced by opportunities to be in these high vantage points.  With kind acknowledgements to the Hyatt, Cube and Alpha Tower amongst others for sharing their views.

However Birmingham's often overlooked hilly geography and skyline sat atop a ridge offers great views from all directions.


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