Rainbow of opportunities - Birmingham LGBT Centre

The end of January saw Birmingham LGBT Centre open, offering the UK's first LGBT Health Centre, http://www.itv.com/news/central/update/2013-01-31/uks-first-lgbt-health-centre-opens-in-birmingham/. The centre, which opened on 29 January 2013, was funded by the City Council and Big Lottery Fund’s Reaching Communities Programme and will seek to address health inequalities within the LGBT community while working alongside other service providers to target issues such as smoking, drinking, self harm and depression which disproportionately affect the LGBT community, http://birminghamnewsroom.com/2013/01/lgbt-health-and-wellbeing-centre-to-open-in-birmingham/

The centre will look at both physical heath and emotional wellbeing and offers a cafe, clinics and counselling services.  A sports hall in the basement is being installed following the award of £43,000 grant by Sport England, http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2013/01/30/new-lgbt-health-centre-opens-in-birmingham/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Pinknews+(Pink+News)

More information on the centre can be found on the Centre website: http://www.blgbt.org/centre/

The Centre is located at Holloway Head, adjacent to the Jester.


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