Birmingham Brand Lagging

The Liverpool Echo has reported that Liverpool is one of the top cities in Europe with the city ranked 28th in the Saffron Brand Consultants' list of the top 72 European Cities based on how they have marketed themselves and as places to visit and do business.

Liverpool was placed at 28, behind London (2), Edinburgh (15) and Glasgow (23). Manchester was rated 32nd, Birmingham at 42, Newcastle 46 and Leeds 64.

The report said Manchester, Bristol and Newcastle which had marketed their revivals aggressively were in danger of overplaying their attractions.

The poll was based on 2000 consumers and listed the attractions making a city great sich as pride, personality, buoyant economy and distinctive environment. This follows the Policy Exchange think tank provoking fury by saying northern cities such as Liverpool had failed in their regeneration efforts and urging northerners to move south to places like Oxford and Cambridge to enjoy a better standard of life.


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