Edgbaston Drive's ahead

Since my earlier posts on the redevelopment proposal for Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Edgbaston Delivery Pictures, it's been as exciting as a game of cricket in the attacking shots of the redevelopment. Following the tussles between opponents of the redevelopment plans and supporters which saw the council approve a loan to the ground while opponents mounted a legal challenge and Galliford Try appointed contractors(Council approves loan instalment to Edgbaston cricket ground) the legal challenge to the plans was dismissed and demolition work is now well under way with the ground.
Some pictures of the demolition are shown below:

The legal challenge rested on the opponents views that the planning process was flawed with residents opposed to new floodlights, shops, offices and apartments surrounding the stadium, Protesters lose court battle to stop Edgbaston Cricket Ground development. The dismissal of the challenge means work is progressing with a full completion date of summer 2011.
Demolition work began in January and already the RV Ryder, Pavilion and Leslie Deakins stands have gone with work taking place this week on the William Ansell stand in preparation for its demolition later in the week, http://www.edgbaston.com/news/wccc/EDGBASTONDEVELOPMENTPROGRESSUPDATE/.
Images of the development plans are shown below:

More images of the demolition are shown below:
