Full steam ahead as New Station gets green light
Following my previous post on the recommendation for approval of the reserved matters planning application for New Street Station, Reserving judgment on New New Street, the City Council's planning committee gave unanimous approval for the application.
The announcement of planning approval also saw Foreign Office Architects and Atkins release new pictures of the redevelopment. The pictures below are reproduced from Building Design, FOA's Birmingham New Street station wins approval.

Council Leader Mike Whitby commented: “The redeveloped New Street Gateway will provide a focal point for far wider regeneration of the entire city over the next 10-15 years, and is one of the main components of the city’s £6 billion worth of publicly funded regeneration projects currently on our books.
“Delivering a world-class station to the city will enhance our international reputation and investment potential while also drastically improving services nationally and regionally, and give Birmingham a central station that befits its status as a global destination.” Birmingham New Street Station project given go-ahead
The approval has come with a warning message to Network Rail however to ensure that it maintains it's 'sensational' look and doesn't become gloomy like it's predecessor, Network Rail told to make New Street look good for decades.
Planners gave their unanimous support but also demanded assurances that the shiny stainless steel cladding will not tarnish once it is built.
Work in the station is expected to start later this year and despite the significant changes it has been planned to minimise the impact on passengers. The Pallasades shopping centre will remain open and train services will continue to operate. Over 40m people use New Street every year with 140,000 using it every day despite the station rebuilding of 1967 catering for 60,000 The work is expected to provide £2.3 billion in economic benefits.
Network Rail is investing £350 million renewing the signalling systems through New Street and the West Midlands over the next ten years.
Detailed plans showing the redevelopment from the planning application are in my earlier post, Shiny station plans submitted.
The announcement of planning approval also saw Foreign Office Architects and Atkins release new pictures of the redevelopment. The pictures below are reproduced from Building Design, FOA's Birmingham New Street station wins approval.

Council Leader Mike Whitby commented: “The redeveloped New Street Gateway will provide a focal point for far wider regeneration of the entire city over the next 10-15 years, and is one of the main components of the city’s £6 billion worth of publicly funded regeneration projects currently on our books.
“Delivering a world-class station to the city will enhance our international reputation and investment potential while also drastically improving services nationally and regionally, and give Birmingham a central station that befits its status as a global destination.” Birmingham New Street Station project given go-ahead
The approval has come with a warning message to Network Rail however to ensure that it maintains it's 'sensational' look and doesn't become gloomy like it's predecessor, Network Rail told to make New Street look good for decades.
Planners gave their unanimous support but also demanded assurances that the shiny stainless steel cladding will not tarnish once it is built.
Planning committee member Coun Ian Ward (Lab, Shard End) said: “The design is very, very good. The polished mirror stainless steel cladding is really sensational.
“But I am worried that over time it will deteriorate and tarnish and detract from this building.
“I would like to know what assurances we have that the stainless steel will be maintained and continue to look as good as it does in the images.” Network Rail told to make New Street look good for decades.
Work in the station is expected to start later this year and despite the significant changes it has been planned to minimise the impact on passengers. The Pallasades shopping centre will remain open and train services will continue to operate. Over 40m people use New Street every year with 140,000 using it every day despite the station rebuilding of 1967 catering for 60,000 The work is expected to provide £2.3 billion in economic benefits.
Network Rail is investing £350 million renewing the signalling systems through New Street and the West Midlands over the next ten years.
Detailed plans showing the redevelopment from the planning application are in my earlier post, Shiny station plans submitted.