Campus cleared for construction
The planning application submitted in April, Campus clears way for 21st Century future for University of Birmingham, for the University of Birmingham's ambitious campus redevelopment including new library and sports centre with 50m pool looks set for approval on Thursday at the City Council's planning committee meeting pending section 106 legal agreements.
The hybrid application which allows for outline planning permission for the new library but full consent for the new sports centre is recommended for approval subject to a Section 106 legal agreement. Some of the requirements for approval deal with concerns raised from the application related to parking. Pending the completion of the Section 106 legal agreement on or before 9/11/12 then the development looks set to transform the university.
I. That consideration of Application No. 2012/02047/PA be deferred pending the completion of a suitable Section 106 Legal Agreement to require:
a) A contribution of £316 per student bed-space (index linked to construction costs from the date of the committee resolution to the date on which payment is made) to be paid prior to the implementation of the Student Residence (Project 6) the fund would be used towards Environmental Enhancement measures to include paving, landscaping, lighting, and minor highway works and maintenance thereof and/or resident parking schemes within the environs of Dale Road, Grange Road, North Road and George Road and adjacent to the new University Plaza.
b) A contribution of £50,000 (index linked to construction costs from the date of the committee resolution to the date on which payment is made) to be paid within 1 month of consent being issued and to be spent towards three car parking monitoring assessments, undertaken at three key stages (baseline within 6 months of approval, the second within 1 month of closure of the south car park and the last within 1 month of the Sports Centre opening or such other times as shall be agreed in writing between the parties). The study area would be an area within a 1km radius of the principal entrances to the University, excluding areas currently subject to existing or emerging resident parking initiatives, as defined on plan 216558-00 CH010/01, or such other area as shall be agreed in writing between the parties. Any remaining money, of this sum, would be spent on highway improvement measures and/or parking and traffic management measures if required.
c) In the event that the monitoring assessments demonstrate that improvements are needed, a further contribution of £100,000 (index linked to construction costs from the date of the committee resolution to the date on which payment is made) shall be paid which shall be spent on highway improvement measures, and/or parking and traffic management measures to off set any adverse impact resultant from the revised traffic movements associated with the revision/rationalisation of car parking and associated traffic movements in and around the campus following the implementation of the various projects associated with the hybrid application, or on any other purpose that shall be agreed in writing between the Council and the party responsible for paying the sum provided that any alternative spend purpose has been approved by the Council’s Planning Committee.
d) Payment of a monitoring and administration fee associated with the legal agreement subject to a maximum contribution of £5,000.